Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Doodler of Note!

I doodle all day long! I can't NOT have a piece of paper and pen in my hand at all times. While I am waiting for a page to download, or a programme to open of someone to pik up the phone, I have slips of paper covered in doodles (mainly flowers, but also lists, lines from songs that are playing in my head et). Today I am conducting an experiment. I am collecting all the slips I cover and I will report on how many I do a day! This of course excludes what I write in my Big Idea book the has sestions for my to do lists, quotes , layout ideas, writing, gift ideas, house stuff and things I want to do for me. Then of course there is my journal and now my blog. The reason for all of this is one opf 2 things:
  1. I am fantastically talented and I have a DRIVE to create (I like this option)
  2. I am bored and do it so that I dont fall asleep (the less attarctive, but most likely option)

If anyone has any "psychological" explainations for this, feel free to share them with me!

Another layout from the party

The Boys

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