Friday, October 07, 2005


SEVEN THINGS I LIKE THE MOST Family time Chocolate Reading Scrapbooking Writing Shopping My husbands smile SEVEN RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME I am a trained social worker I got a B for English in my matric final exam I eat a lettuce, cucumber and feta salad everyday for lunch I have 2 children and a husband I have had 4 jobs in 7 years I drink a litre of water everyday I LOVE stationery (paper, pens, cardboard, envelopes) SEVEN THINGS I CAN DO Swim Write Scrapbook Surf (the internet!) Speak in public Dance SLEEP anytime SEVEN THINGS I CAN’T DO DRIVE! Sing Draw nice pictures Climb a rope Sell (anything!) Cut my own hair Record music to a CD SEVEN THINGS I SAY THE MOST Ja Okay Maybe Why don’t you try… Beezounce to the Eezounce (not really, that’s my husbands) I said no So… SEVEN CELEBS I LOVE Brad Pitt Colin Farrel Taye Diggs Denzel Washington Julia Roberts Sandra Bullock Jennifer Aniston SEVEN SELFISH THINGS I'D LIKE TO OWN A wonderful camera A scrapbook / writing / study room A library in my home An I-pod A BMW X5 A Full collection of Julia Cameron and SARKs books As much scrapbooking supplies as I can handle

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